Source code for estuary.models.koji

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re

from neomodel import (BooleanProperty, DateTimeProperty, IntegerProperty,
                      RelationshipFrom, RelationshipTo, StringProperty,
                      UniqueIdProperty, ZeroOrOne)

from estuary.error import ValidationError
from estuary.models.base import EstuaryStructuredNode
from estuary.models.errata import Advisory

[docs]class KojiBuild(EstuaryStructuredNode): """Definition of a Koji build in Neo4j.""" advisories = RelationshipFrom('.errata.Advisory', 'ATTACHED', model=Advisory.BuildAttachedRel) commit = RelationshipTo('.distgit.DistGitCommit', 'BUILT_FROM', cardinality=ZeroOrOne) completion_time = DateTimeProperty(index=True) creation_time = DateTimeProperty() epoch = StringProperty() id_ = UniqueIdProperty(db_property='id') module_builds = RelationshipFrom('ModuleKojiBuild', 'ATTACHED') name = StringProperty(index=True) owner = RelationshipTo('.user.User', 'OWNED_BY', cardinality=ZeroOrOne) release = StringProperty(index=True) start_time = DateTimeProperty() state = IntegerProperty() version = StringProperty(index=True) @property def display_name(self): """Get intuitive (human readable) display name for the node.""" return '{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(, self.version, self.release) @property def timeline_datetime(self): """Get the DateTime property used for the Estuary timeline.""" return self.creation_time
[docs] @classmethod def find_or_none(cls, identifier): """ Find the node using the supplied identifier. :param str identifier: the identifier to search the node by :return: the node or None :rtype: EstuaryStructuredNode or None """ uid = identifier if re.match(r'^\d+$', uid): # The identifier is an ID return cls.nodes.get_or_none(id_=uid) elif uid.endswith('.src.rpm'): # The identifer is likely an NVR with .src.rpm at the end, so strip that part of it # so it can be treated like a normal NVR uid = uid[:-8] if len(uid.rsplit('-', 2)) == 3: # The identifier looks like an NVR nvr = uid.rsplit('-', 2) return cls.nodes.get_or_none(name=nvr[0], version=nvr[1], release=nvr[2]) raise ValidationError('"{0}" is not a valid identifier'.format(identifier))
[docs]class ContainerKojiBuild(KojiBuild): """A Neo4j definition of a build that represents a container build in Koji.""" original_nvr = StringProperty() triggered_by_freshmaker_event = RelationshipFrom( '.freshmaker.FreshmakerEvent', 'TRIGGERED', cardinality=ZeroOrOne) operator = BooleanProperty(default=False)
[docs]class ModuleKojiBuild(KojiBuild): """A Neo4j definition of a build that represents a module build in Koji.""" components = RelationshipTo('KojiBuild', 'ATTACHED') context = StringProperty() mbs_id = IntegerProperty() module_name = StringProperty() module_stream = StringProperty() module_version = StringProperty()